Flashback XI
2005.03.14 14:10
#My impession this time is
If Bush were re-elected, he would start considering the right timing to withdraw American troops. People are fed up with, and his main concern( end of dictatorship) was over. Kerry is not Clinton. We are totally unsure whether he takes an environmentally conscious measure. It's better for you not to hold an illusion.
American troops have been fighting with insurgencies. We are not sure they are either from Iraqi or from foreign lands. In this term of deployment, I hope soon will be ended. ...Sure you are right. American troops are anywhere... In Europe under North Atlantic Treaty, in Japan under U.S. and Japan Security Treaty. It has already passed more than 50 years since the end of late World War, but certainly still U.S. presence in many parts of the world. President Bush doesn't have to think when to leave but how to keep his army. You are right.
#Nature of Aiki
The essence of Aiki lies in making the most of using the powers deriving from nature( rocks, air, water, etc ) or opponents ( basically humans, beasts, and so on ). And this is one of the most effective way for those who have not enough power to defeat opponents on their owns. "Takemusu Aiki " literally means "By Aiki, bamboo evaporates." Interesting...
#Role of Corporations
We all are, more or less, hired by others, and make a living. In many cases hired by corporations. There are large ones and small ones. But anyway that is corporations which move our society to somewhere, wrong or right directions. Many times, people hired by corporations make a mistake. Sometimes make an illegal conduct, knowing or not knowing whether it's against the law or other ruling. In this case people are easily fired or are taken responsibility for their wrongdoing simply because they tend to be regarded as fragile, ignorable ones compared to a gigantic existence-corporations. Actually big corporations on their own hold lots of employees. Every emplyee in them largely owes to whereabouts of big corporations. ..I knew that in the US, law bestows its tender protections not only on individuals but also corporations, which is not necessarily bad thing, judging from the importance corporations perform in our society. As long as corporations comply with laws and regulations anywhere anytime. If corporations were minions, situations surrounding this protection regulation would be completely different.
# What Relativism and Quantum theory tell us
We are a being under fixed circumstances in a certain condition. We can be very liberal outspoken when we are put in a free state. I mean because we live in a country where we are guaranteed to speak out whatever we want.-Where we can make a limitation-that is self-restraint, not against the public benefits. Because we live in a free country, we can hold and express independ opinions. However, same person cannot speak out their opinions in their containment-for fear that they might be harmed by authority. Relativism tells us how speed of time changes if we put under a static state or under a light fast moving state. Speed of time -thought to be some kind of absolute at that time-can be changeable, and quantum theory tells us also drastic change on how light is like, atoms or waves, depends on where we see it. Unless we ourselves change, we cannot see things as they are-I think that's the lesson from the theory of paradigm shift.
#Have You Read Quinn?
No. He is unfamiliar to me. He must be a writer in today's America. Religeous conservatism is something that I cannot get.( I am not completely sure whether he is a kind of that or not.) For me "Ishmael" means nothing but a first illegitimate son of Abraham, and happen to be a story teller of "The Whale".
Revolutionary means to try to change an old regime, fixed power structure which already exists now, try to re-distribute wealth from haves to have-nots. Counter-revolution connotes something wrong and backward images. Always counter-revolution had been producing bad by-products, always reflects the bad unfavourable side of things, side effects, backlash of the revolutionary things. And one more thing... Jesus tried to emphasise the utmost value of love and sacrifice beyond the limit of reason Moses had already fixed at that time.
Anyway, just in case anybody was wondering what happened to me -- well, that's what.
I'm relieved.
By the way I didn't know anything about American politics from late 18c to early 19c. Very recently I knew about duel between Hamilton and Burr, Marshall's role on judiciary review over Madison v Marbury, President Thomas Jefferson's war with the Barbary Pirates. Among new ones, Roe v Wade was a remarkable court ruling...I think I used to learn very vigorously on European history more than American's. But now I'm interested in America's a lot. When start considering the history of democracy in the United States, America has its deep roots in late 18c.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. If you resume making comments on my JE, I really appreciate that...
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