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2005.03.14 13:34
#His Achievement
He happenned to create lots of jobs for Americans. This is not directly connected to his policy for tackling unemployment. Several months after he was elected first term presidency, that terorrist attack occurred. Which caused tens of thousands of jobs - people never imagined before. Their jobs were specifically related to security and defence. Security - for this to deffend, millions of extra budget has been spent. And Diffence -human and fiscal contributions for this to secure are immersed. Bush started taking a couple of policies soon after he took his Office 4 years ago, but these measures turned out policies in time of peace, not war. Policies Bush has been taking are for in time of emergency, and as long as he is under current situations, he will have been making another job forever. That is the main reason why he will be able to create more new jobs.
#Look Back on Calendar
Irish, Gaelic, Nordic and Germans have got their own Gods and religions. There are many myths for each. Only your ancesters started believing Christianity after it was introduced and privailed. It was not until the coming of Middle Age that your people believed Christ was born on the 25th of December. Actually not. His date of birth was different. The 25th of December was the biggest festival for celebrating the longest night of the year. Only later on connected both most important festivals for your people -people who have been celebrating the biggest festival on their own cultures, who accept Christianity. Such an intermingling can be seen throughout the world and history. Halloween used to be a celebration for preparation of the 25th of December -near winter solstice-one month beforehand.
It's strange....Churches are where people gather, which often decide which festival should be held based on attendant's preferences, etc. What I think important thing is it's not you who serve religion, but religion that serves you. You mustn't serve your religion, instead religion has to serve you to fulfil your daily want. However there are some cases that you are serving in order to fulfil want in religion. In this case inevitably you sometimes feel unhappy. Why not re-think about your better relationship with religion? For me it seems you are caught or trapped by a restraint of your religion, or at least by an authority of your church.
Ok. There're two types of people. One is that can accept what they don't want to hold. And the other is that cannot accept what's against the grain. Seems to me you're the guy who cannot accept you disagree with. If you put value more on family ties, you relinquish your hope and desire to celebrate Halloween with your son. Because he has been taught he should not celebrate Halloween, and he's attending the church with you. It is natural for him to think you agree with what Sunday school told. But if it really goes against the grain for you, in order to keep your family ties, you can live with them separatedly. You will realise how hard for you to break the ties with your biologically related son. You can still continue to hold very strong family ties with your son, even if you live with them separatedly. It is not a form of family which determines the firmness of ties. It's nothing. There are families who don't live together. Whatever the form they take, parents love their kids. If you keep on living with them holding such disagreeing issues, that's worse. Natural, biological ties are much stronger regardless whatever the form of family you take. If I were you...? I start living separatedlly with my wife and son. Apart from that... All you have to do is celebrate Halloween by yourself with your friends, not with your family. Just send them or provide them money, that's what they really needed. Mother's satisfied with her kids. You do whatever you want. ....But you're lucky guy. You don't have to think it again till next October. Take your time.
#Legacy of Republican Administrations
Father of Bush wanted to appoint another man for Secretary of Defence. But because lots of oppositions arose especially from Democrats -that man used to be a chairman of contra investigation commitee in the Reagan Administration-. Then he chose Cheiney to be a Secretary of Diffence. He was praised by many Democrats as a man of decence and integrity. Throughout his participation in both Bush Administrations, He has been showing his integrity and capacity to hely President well. So for those reasons, I oppose he's leaving the Oval Office. Compared with Rumsfeld's aggressive statements, those of Powell seem to have been more moderate. But think! He is a Secretary of State not Defence. Does he have to be aggressive when his parallel is more aggressive? He is a wise guy. He knows he'd better not show aggressive views in this administrations. His jobs are mainly negotiations with other countries. He was a commander in the first Gulf War. Actually, he knows well how power works. For those reasons, he deserves his position. Actually well-located Administration this is.
Might would be rotten - anywhere in the world anytime in history. 4 more years are not long enough to make them rotten. Let them keep on working their jobs. Many outcomes are yet to be seen.
#America would not attack Iran
Iran is needless to say former Persia. There are three reasons why America won't attack Iran. The first. -Iranians are not Arabian descents. They are one of Indo-European Peoples. I mean they are racially more close to Europeans. They are not Semites. The second. -They liberated Jews under Babylonian Capture and allowed them to go back to Jerusalem and again allowed to build a palace once burned by the fire of Nebkadenezaar, King of Babylonia, at the downfall of the Holy Land. So Jews were very appreciated that. And still I believe Jewish people would never forget favours once gotten by Persian King Cyrus (Founder of Persian Empire which defeated Babylonia). The third one... Read the Book of Ester( Old Testament). Jewish people were never treated badly in Persia. Certainly they were about to be treated badly but thanks to Mordekai and Ester, Jewish people were well off. ( Later Ester became Queen of Persian King.) Jewish people have historically long been conflicting with Arabians( especially Syrians, not with Egyptians) and Palestinians( they came from islands in the Mediterranean Sea.) But not with any people from Persia. If America is a strong ally of Israel, they would not attack Iran and Islaelites would not encourage Americans to do so.
It might be a little bit disturbing, though, it is true that Israel is affecting US policy making decision very much. Britain gave both Palestinian and Israelites guaranty to build their own country at the same place. Israel realised their dream in the Promised Land. But their Promised Land was not only Palestina. Their land lies from Mesopotamia to Palestina. The land right now they form is just a part of it. Remember Abraham came from Ur, centre of Mesopotamia. So they inevitably hope they will expand their territory eastward. US invasion against Iraq was just a tip of the first step realisation of their (Jewish people's) dream. The continuation of the Bush Administration means also that of dominance in Jewish capital in the US. More than 50% of American people were opposing US invasion in Iraq, but he did it. And I believe under the strong influence of Jewish capital in America, he did it. Jewish people are not in front in public. But they run multi-national corporations and very rich, and they are definitely strongly affecting the crucial decision making process in the Bush Administration. ....In the international political scene, we might lose sight of how real politics work if we saw only things superficially. For example, before the war in Iraq, US wanted to confirm they have WMD or not. UN inspecter couldn't find WMD, therefore, US decided to invade Iraq. Existence of WMD only deters invasion. It never become an excuse to invade the land.
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