
Flashback IV
2005.03.14 1:26


I'm completely perplexed. I cannot find any substansial differences among these three words- (biblical) atheist, iltheist(is this one coined word?) and agnostist more than the literal difference. What is your talking point?


GNP is for gross national product, here 'national' means 'people' who have a citizenship of the country. GDP is for gross domestic product, here 'domestic' means 'within a country's boundary' defined by a sovereign state. In both cases, 'product' means 'all the goods and services'.So, for example, the income of the American citizen who holds a Japan's MNC operating in China ought to be included in America's GNP.
Within a country's boundary, whatever the worker's nationality might be, their income should be included in GDP.
In these figures usually there're no big differences, but in the case of countries that send lots of foreign workers like Philippines, GNP is bigger than GDP. And the countries that accepts lots of foreign workers like Kuwait, GDP is bigger than GNP. Other countries like America, they have lots of American people working overseas at the same time accepts lots of foreign workers from overseas tends to have almost the same figure of GNP and GDP.


Since the USA imports more than it exports, that means every year, more wealth is leaving this country than coming in?

No. ...That means more wealth is comimg in to your country.

Dollars are just papers, means no more than figures-we say poor in 'flow' economy. Imported ones are concrete wealth as well as your country's abundant natural resources-we say rich in 'stock' economy. I mean poor in flow economy means little.

As long as dollar continues to be a currency for oil, the more Americans buy, the more they get rich.

Except that the value of goods currently depreciate faster than dollars.

Deflation's happening in your country?

That's how there can be a trade deficit.

Only in flow economy, huge trade deficit arises, which means you're getting 'stock' in other words real economy by using a 'flow' in other words superficial economy, whoever reluctant to use your currency if you can evaluate the value of your currency as you like. Thus you know dollar can buy everything.

Wise. I've gotta go. Thank you very much.

#New Proposal- 1 dollar=1 euro=1 new yen

Roughly speaking, kinds of adjustment in value between major currencies have been in progress. 1 dollar= 1 euro= 100 yen

So we can make another new unit instead and no serious problem would arise. Actually Japanese want a little higher appreciation of yen than the current rate, I mean it's okay to be a solid rate like 1 dollar =1 euro=1 new yen. 1 world, something like that...

#Japan's Conservatives

They are not representing the interests of the Japanese general public or rather they are advocates of Japan's domestic middle-small sized industry- they are in trouble with yen's appreciation, because they have to sell their products overseas but higher appreciation of yen prevents from it. So just ignore is the best policy. Japan's prime minister too is ignoring it.

#War Tone Iraq

The problem is Iraq is still war tone country, if this country steered clear of all the fear, nobody would be afraid of being deployed in the extended term.

Especially in the case of National Guard, because their equipment is not well prepared than Marines or other military forces, besides their lack of experience in actual war and given only limited time of training altogether, they don't like to extend their duties. Understandable.


Long long ago, maybe prehistoric times, 'the' was used to be 'to be' like verb. Those days, 'the' means 'to be' and 'this' means 'to be near', 'that' means 'to be little far' ,'there' means 'to be around',etc. Thus 'thing' was 'being' derived from the noun form of 'to be'.

Long ago, 'the' was everything-from wind, tree, water, sound, light,...just omnipresence. People believed in 'the', show reverence to 'the' feel awesome to 'the', because 'the' was 'everything-omnipresence' to them.

Later when the notion of God in monotheical meaning was formed by Moses, founder of monotheism, this notion was succeeded to the humans. Throughout the history of monotheic religion, people fear and admire this 'the' as if it were a personified 'absolute' figure.

In the past, 'to be theist' was just a matter of course, before the Enlightenment.

Now there are many theists as well as atheists. -Iltheist is the one who has to learn more to be an atheist. Remember there is an ill-theists, who has to learn more to be a theist.

Iltheists are always illogical, because they are prematured atheists.


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