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2005.03.14 1:51
#No Relationship
I try re-reading your article putting atheist instead of iltheist and anti-judaism instead of anti-semitism. I know anti-semitism means anti-judaism, but not vice versa. In your context, you used it in the meaning of anti-judaism. So in line with your context, you want to suggest relationship between atheism and anti-judaism. Ummm I think no apparent relationship can be found.
Actually spoken language through Mesopotamia to Canaan was very similar circa Abraham had lived. Since Abraham was born in Ur, Babylonia. Paradise at that time was the land between two rivers -now in Mesopotamia.
The code of Hammurabi is a law or regulation then the King of Hammurabi devised, while among the Decalogue, the most distinguished one was the introduction of one day off in a week based on severest experiences in Egypt. And all are related to religion, not a law.
Simply SCOTUS is not anti-judaistic, it just meant to separate law from religion in modern term. You think too much beside the point.
Sorry, I have no time to look it up to confirm but the New Testament was written in Koine, simplified form of Greek. Jesus spoke this Greek, throughout the area where Alexander the great left his steps, this Koine was widely spoken and that brought the revolutionary change from Judaism for the Jewish people's sake to Christianity for the people's sake in universe, thus Christianity came to be the first world religion. For them -Christ and 13 Apostles, I guess they had only slight conscious to be Jews. Rather they were already cosmopolitans.
Oh... what's Bible Thumper? Loyal follower to the discription of Bible? If so, judging from what I mentioned above- the New Testament was written in Koine - and Christ and the Apostles were cosmopolitans, you have to distinguish between Christianity and other 'Semitic religions'.
Bible Thumpers would argue with you and claim that the Bible was written in ENGLISH by KING JAMES-
I am brainwashed. How about Jehovah's Witnesses? Very recently I was invited by again a cute girl why not join their congregations? Honestly speaking, I'm not sure about them.
You see I know how religion works, for those who have been suffered from something tremendous grief, so I cannot blame them for dedicating their lives into religion. ...OK, let's talk about your viewpoint on the relationship between iltheism and anti-semitism again, see you tomorrow.
However, language makes very little difference when you're talking about western cultures- there are tons of Native Americans who can only speak English.
English and Greek are linguistically and etymologically or in many other ways, very close. But when it comes to comparison between Hebrew and Greek/Englsh, there are fundamental differences between them.
Still I couldn't get the point why you relate iltheism and anti-semitism, for all above reasons, I object to including Christianity into semitic religions.
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