
The Yahoo! City
2005.05.13 23:57

Today has to be a best season of the year, but rather chilly for this season. Unusually I got up early in the morning. I had more than 6 hours till I start working then I went to the beach where adjacently Yahoo Dome is located at. The beach was windy and no people were found. This dome's long been called just Fukuoka Dome but only recently -late last year, Yahoo bought this dome. Now the name of the dome is Yahoo! Dome.
People migrated from the peninsula started settling and built a kingdom called 'Na' in 56 A.D. The name 'Na' is literary related to the sea. Later this city started being called 'Hakata' - literary related to 'the reclaimed land', which has been the name of the city for nearly two millennia, only it was 1601 when the feudal ruler came to this city and named after the name of his birth place now Fukuoka is the official name of the city. But the name Hakata has been being used till now. This year Yahoo bought the dome. In the next few years, people here might start using Yahoo City in the name of this city instead of using Fukuoka. The name Fukuoka is not as familiar as Yahoo these days people -in Yahoo! City to come.


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