2005.04.12 6:35
Love is spiritual. I only love one woman who I'm never likely to see. Sex is physical. I've got several girl-friends, and I've never thought about none of them seriously. Marriage is economic. For those who have got a happy marriage, it is economical. But for me like divorced two times marriage only meant economic, in other words costly...
The problem was these three's never going to be the same. Love, sex, no marriage. Love, marriage , no sex. Love only. Sex only. Worst of all was marriage only. People, don't laugh.
#Adding A Pinch of Salt
We've gotta a bush of rose for many years, showing lots of flowers in full swing in every early summer. Unfortunately although I've been appriciating my roses for many years, I ever never water any of roses, yet the roses have had flowers despite my lack of effort to keep them. Seems this early summer no bud no flowers appears. The roses might have decided not to come out their flowers in a garden where no particular attention could be made.
I'm disappointed. It was inevitable, since I was the one who were responsible to keep them healthy. I was to blame, not them. My husband also seemd to feel regret saying ' we might plant another roses soon.' I left home for work. My husband happened to be off the day.
When I came home I noticed there're a riot of red roses flourished, simply I realised my husband took pains to plant the new roses bush in my absence. I hugged my hubby too strong saying 'you love me so strong that you have roses plant in such a short period while I am away.'
My hubby kept silence and saying, 'let's have dinner.' We had dinner, it was one of the plesantest dinner we ever had.
It hadn't take much time for me to realise the roses I saw were the exactly from the same bush of roses we had years. I didn't know the roses were not easily dead.
This year too the roses flourish in full swing as unbreakable as our love -eternal love.
#Defining The role of Shower
Yet I can cleanse all the smell of ozones, the memories of my childhood the day I spent with my lovely dad never go away.
This is a nice day.
#Pen is mightier than the sword
I make a habit of carrying a notebook in my armpit and pen in my pocket so that I can write down wherever I want to. Then oftentimes I feel pen is mightier than the sword. Pen is sharp enough to protect us from others. It also becomes a small arm.
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