
Leveraged Buy Out
2005.03.18 0:35

Now it was a matter of time, Livedoor exceeded more than 50%, which gives it a control over overall management of Nippon Broadcasting System. Its next target is going ahead to buyout the Fuji TV Network, one of the four private-owned media giant, which also owns professional baseball team. Total asset of Fuji is $7,200,000,000, so in order to buyout the company it needs to prepare $3,600,000,000, it is impossible for a company whose asset is $2,200,000,000 to prepare for $3,600,000,000 in two weeks.
But possible if it used the way called 'leveraged buy out'. TV enterprises are lucrative enough for investment banks to invest $3,600,000,000 for the sake of leverage buyout by Livedoor, in the hope of getting cashflow back soon after...
Tomorrow or never - before the share prices of Fuji's going to high early next week.
Here is a secret room for my past comments.
#Open The Window
We, the rest of him, are so much accustomed to being in a protected area- like a sanctuary for a nearly extinct species, or too much spoiled in a tepid water. We have to be exposed by more severe, more harsh reality as he is facing. Mike Hawk tells us a little bit from outside the window. First off we seem to need examine whether we tend to narrower the window to open. Apparently he knows more than the rest of him. He has read more books than the rest of him, he has experienced more than the rest of him, then how we can catch up with him without pointing out just his superficial wording. He is a salt, of course not a sugar, but not in the least spice... Salt; essential and necessary, if taken too much, poisonous for many people. Sugar; pleasurable, but sometimes unnecessary and too much taken it's harmful. Spice; not necessary, if added, pleasurable for some connoisseurs.
#No Border
Los Angeles - The Angels, California - Nearest Island to heaven, Many words are from Mexico - 'Mexico' is derived from 'America'. It will take some time to realise there's no border on the earth but only inside our mind...State is nothing but illusion.
It's no wonder one day he woke up to find himself to be a very liberal person. Our thoughts are nurtured in a particular circumstances, in some place in some period of times, so if even in a slightest amount of change of our circumstances, our views and ideas are subject to change over one night. He knows his views are something wrong, he definetely knows, and he knows how to mend his views. That is, repeatedly he's been posting his views to a journal of very liberal person. Through this he's been definetely learning and coordinating his views to what it's supposed to be. I am expecting and optimistic.
I hope it's not my poor comprehension, what does this mean?
Thank you very much indeed. I like to read his articles, but sometimes it's very connotative, which is similar to reading an excellent literal work. Your explanation is as always deductive and no leap of logic can be found, so subsequently easily understandable.


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